HCBM Club History

The Harris Chain Bassmasters (HCBM) fishing club is one of the oldest, continuously active fishing clubs in central Florida.  If you ask someone who has been an active member for a few years, he will tell you this club is special because of the activities and the camaraderie.  You would be hard pressed to find another club that is more stable and active in Lake, Sumter and Orange counties. 

This club was founded in 1990 to bring together die-hard fisherman who love competition and the challenge of catching largemouth bass.  Anthony (Tony) Roberts was the first club president and started the club with nine members. We were charted as a B.A.S.S. National Federation affiliated club on March 1, 1991, and have maintained club by-laws consistent with B.A.S.S. recommendations.  

Several HCBM past and present members have fished on the “Pro” circuit: Greg Cummings, Linda Hawkins (only woman in club’s history), Rocky Luckeydoo, Darren Ratliff, Tony Roberts, and AJ Willequer.  

From the club’s inception, HCBM has played an active role in conservation efforts on the Harris Chain of Lakes.  We support the FWC in assembly and placement of new fish attractors, and we attend their local area meetings to address aquatic plant management.   Additionally, our club has supported numerous charities over the years including Casting for Kids and assisting the Boy Scouts at the Eustis Georgefest.

Our club members have a variety of backgrounds, each bringing something unique to the club.  We have monthly tournaments at a variety of local lakes, hold a 2-day away tournament once a year at a designated approved lake, and finish the year with a 2-day classic tournament on the Harris Chain.  

HCBM is unique in that anglers (boaters) compete with other anglers, and co-anglers (non-boaters) compete against other co-anglers with payouts to each winner, based on number of tournament participants.   The top angler and co-angler for the year are recognized at the annual awards banquet. To view a list of past club champions, click on the links below.

If you are interested in largemouth bass fishing and would like more information about HCBM, please contact us so that we may provide information on our next meeting; we would like to meet you and have you meet our members. 

Gallery (Past Winners)

Tournament Results



2024 Club Officers


President: Steve Costanzo

Vice President: AJ Williquer

Secretary 2025: Patrick Rumery

Secretary 2024: Wendell Suiter

Treasurer: Brian Falls

Tournament Director: Ed Goans

Weigh Master: Brian Carman

Member at Large: Lee Goans


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